Thursday, March 5, 2009

Porcelain Painting Supply

Theme played free of the Betrothed


Young who was born and raised in the limited environment of his country, knows life only in its most simple and usual, the hard work and strength of the affections. Orphaned at a young age, is used to look after himself and has created an honest job, a security for himself and his chosen bride, Lucia. Good-natured, but has a fiery temperament, prone to sudden shots and rebellions, which, however, the duration of the storms in May, soon to come and will soon dissipate. It is exuberant, rather than arrogance. Renzo is not devoid of a natural intelligence and cunning to help him at critical moments, but perhaps not enough when it is immersed in the problems outside of his village, lost among the city walls. Renzo is inclined to judge others with optimism, but when it is sure to be the target of the rebels against injustice, setting in motion his cunning. Against his rival, Don Rodrigo, lashes out furiously, but in the end his balance and his faith in God led him to forgive.

young woman, whose characteristics, physical and moral, are among the less obvious given that there is attributed to a human subject and a character in the novel. Lucia is not passive as it might seem, she is so strongly opposed to anything that his conscience may approve nopn actively acting in one direction only, that of good, using the weapons of faith, prayer and work. Humble guy, the people, which does not prevent the modest home of a noble house in the soul of feelings and ideals to be envied by people of higher birth and culture, she is conscious of its duties as a woman and a Christian, that a strange fate brought in the midst of a series of sinister intrigue, of terrible events. Sensitive to the recall of emotions and the voice of nostalgia, a prey to fear the most dramatic moments, it never leaves you in despair, but instinctively finds within himself resources to restore balance and peace of mind. Agnes

middle type of woman who, as you can find in the countries of Lombardy. His strong character and quick, combined with a life experience that perhaps she overstates the door to a security assessment that does not always prove accurate, and his concern and love for his daughter Lucia, veiled by a privacy right of people accustomed to a simple life and reduced to the essential values, ease of speech and spontaneity, are a distinctive brand. Profile alive and true, can now sympathetic to the speed with which you have to help her daughter in the attainment of his happiness. Although, thrust by too much security, you tend to see only one side of reality, his optimism has prompted it to devise new solutions for the triumph of justice and the good of Lucia. Father Christopher

friar of the convent of Pescarenico, not far from the land of two betrothed, he is the spiritual leader that relies Lucia. His rebellious nature, but at the same time generous since he has already outlined, not yet a monk, named after Louis. Accustomed from an early age all'agiatezza and luxury, fueling growing habitual pride that leads him, like his father, to rail against the hostility of the aristocratic world and vain, conducting an open war against his rivals and siding side of the weak that they had suffered an injustice. This attitude will take him to the famous duel from which will come with the conviction of his vocation. The figure of the monk grandeggia, not as that of a higher being, but like a man among men, who lived his experiences and has formed his own character in the middle of the seventeenth century complicated world. In him, alive and real image, you can see the symbol of the eternal struggle between good and evil, between spiritual and material power and strength, supported by a faith without borders, is bound to triumph. What he first worked in the service of human justice, is now operating in the service of the divine and in this continuity lies the real humanity character. The last image we have of him, with the signs of the end face, is that the hospital, to serve the needy, as in all his life. Cardinal Federigo

At the time of each other is Archbishop of Milan and was visiting the country dell'Innominato in the days of Pentecost. A man of exceptional resources of will, intelligence and religious zeal, he really knows how to apply the principles of Catholic religious life, offering a good example of the good work. Modest, frugal, humble, must struggle against his own environment in order to assert its principles and devotes his life to charity and study, so as to be considered one of the most learned men of century. The solemnity of the character comes from waiting in celebration of the country, its value from the talks, first with the Unnamed, then with Don Abbondio, his modesty and humility encounter with Lucy, with people of the country and with children . We find it later to help the people during the famine and pestilence. Unlike other "good" of the novel, for which goodness is an achievement, he is free from all humanly weaknesses, integrity, great, perfect.

Unnamed Unnamed The figure is one of the most psychologically complex and interesting novel. Character historically existed in which the author does have a spiritual drama that traces its roots in the depths of the human soul. The unnamed evil figure whose evil perhaps more than repugnance commands respect, which is the powerful Don Rodrigo is aimed to implement the plan to kidnap Lucia. In the grip of a profound spiritual crisis, the Unnamed Lucia sees the encounter with a sign, a light that leads to conversion, and only in a similar spirit, incapable of middle way, a crisis can lead to inner transformation. During the famous night in which Lucy is a prisoner in the castle, the desperation of the Unnamed is the culmination, so much to do think about suicide, but then the thought of God and words of Lucia save him and show him the way of mercy and forgiveness. Don Rodrigo

Signorotto invaghitosi Lucia that, just on a whim, want to have for himself. He represents the human expression and the symbol of his age, is not of a particular charge, but is one of many nobilotti age, any. His character, not at all decisive and firm, passively and faithfully reflects the flaws and the social injustices of the time when he is called to live. Not given him a genuine description, neither physical nor moral, although he is the manager of the whole affair, we know him through the symbols and attributes of his power and his authority, his palace, his servants and his actions. Evil genius of all the action, confident that his social position and the support of influential people to guarantee impunity, know only one law, one of the strongest. Although it is evil, does not have the courage of his actions, concerned about the consequences they have. After threats of Father Christopher, probably willingly give up the evil plan, but persevere just a matter of pique and pride seeing themselves forced to seek the aid of those most wicked of him, who really knows how to do wrong, the Unnamed. Unfortunately, the conversion of the latter turns the story, and Don Rodrigo will cpstretto to leave, to hide, until the plague did not seize and ultimately leads to death in hospital at Milan. Don

Cure the village of Renzo and Lucia, should unite in marriage but is threatened by Don Rodrigo, try to avoid at all costs to celebrate the wedding and will do so only at the end of the novel, when all danger is gone. The life of Don Abbondio unfolds in the orbit of Don Rodrigo and under the influence of his chief defect, fear. Her story is nothing but the story of his fear and all the events through which it unfolds. Petty, petty, selfish to the impossible, is not bad man, but not good, he lives in a limbo, haunted by fear, obstacles and see where there are also pitfalls and anxiety and concern of being able to escape unharmed renders him incapable of taking a position between good and evil. Even when, for a brief moment, the words of Cardinal seem to awaken in him a light, this fails to reach the upper strata of his consciousness. His character, as well as creating various ideas of comedy, is not without a certain meanness that he proves to the satisfaction of the narrow escape. Gertrude

The nun of Monza, home to Lucy in his flight from his native country to escape Don Rodrigo, is a character that the author describes extensively as if the tale of a woman's life in some way he tries to find a justification the evil done to her and the evil that still will. The vocation of choice sets and makes Gertrude unhappy woman and subject to sin but at the same time in every gesture has been identified as a sense of guilt that winds among the tangles and the passions that stir the spirit. It 'just that deaf conflict between abjection and guilt that give the character of the Nun of Monza its tragedy. She has yet to overcome the problems he had as a child, problems arising from being denied life which was destined for his temper and not being able to fight to enforce his wishes. The envy he felt as a child for his more fortunate companions of her evidence yet for someone like Lucia, leads a life in the world to her and barred the door to such a pitiable envy and revenge as he can, using his authority and making evil.
Some secondary characters

* Tonio: Tonio is a farmer friend of Renzo, who with his brother Gervase took part in the attempted marriage of a surprise. Type whimsical, enthusiastically accepts the proposal by Renzo because he knows that in return will receive the satisfaction of the debt he had with Don Abbondio. He belongs with his brother Gervase, of that secondary world, made up of humble and unfortunate. *
Griso: The Griso is the head of Don Rodrigo's good to which companies were assigned + risky and evil, in fact, the Griso is a charge of having kidnapped Lucy. Proves adept at disguise and then to believe in to Agnes who was a beggar in order to study the details the plan. All other good act to its every command, we can sense his evil nature, not only from the mission entrusted to him but also by sinister and sometimes disturbing way in which Manzoni presents him. *
Menico: Sunday and a young boy about 12 years because of some cousins \u200b\u200band in-laws was the grandson of Agnes. It is naive, partly because of his age, but shows a certain liveliness mixed with joy. Menico fulfills the mission entrusted to him by Agnes thanks to the money offered by the woman.
* host: The host is a character that is presented in chapter 7 of which we do not have any kind of physical description. It is a vile man who looks like Don Abbondi some sections, he In fact, when questioned by Renzo to get an explanation of who were the sinister strangers, meets twice that does not know them and that his job would enable him to tell the facts of its customers. Later, questioned by the good, indicating their Renzo, Tonio and Gervase additional indication of their work and their character traits. He can not leave the circle of his private interest, is intriguing, and mischievous rascal. The host was so close to most men and sided with those who had the appearance of rascals.


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