Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Actors With Antisocial Personality Disorder

Chapter 32 The Betrothed The Betrothed free theme played Chapter 31

retired from the army but leaves behind not only the devastation

a negative sign of frightening destructive power: the plague, which then seemed to be constantly present within armies. The first victims were found in the territory of Lecco. An Italian soldier in the German port militant in Milan. First to notice and give the alarm to the authorities calling for precise and rapid intervention, was the proto (a sort of Minister of Health) Ludovico Settala: he had direct experience of being free for the past 1576. People seem to get my head in the sand and not believe: we say that it is an 'epidemic of various kinds due to famine and the hardships caused by the invasion of lancers. There is a kind of escapism. He is so afraid of words, instead of the plague, it is called pestilential fever. The governor Ambrogio Spinola (Don Gonzalo had been replaced), occupied by the war, responding to the authorities that they did. he has more important things to think about. Reopen the leper you see every day fill of patients: most of them die. The hospital, due to the ignorance and inefficiency of the political powers, under the direction and administration of the Capuchin friars: they strive heroically to the sick, many take the plague, most of them die. But the plague does not is only an evil in itself, not only sowing suffering and death disturbs the mental life of the people and to start the wildest beliefs towards Pirrazionalità. Not finding the real cause of the epidemic, people devise and gives credit to some unfounded reasons and causes: one thinks and believes that going around the spreaders who, driven by political motives or evil murderous tendencies, and spill things greasy imbrattino things and public places. Who has fallen, take the plague. It is believed to have tortured some who found they said guilty were opened to death and where was the house of one, a column was erected with the task of remembering the generations following the disgrace of so heinous gesture.
fever in Betrothed

The plague broke out in 1629 was the culmination of an incredible series of events very unpleasant place in those years in the Duchy of Milan. In fact there had been previously first famine, the war of succession to the throne of the Duchy of Mantua then. And the war has been the cause of this epidemic.
fact, the Duchy of Venice had hired to win the war, and then expand the domain to the realm of Mantua, a famous army of mercenaries, the Landsknecht, soldiers enjoyed a bad reputation, because where they spent bringing destruction, and often and willingly, and serious illnesses. Well, since the Lanzichenecchi came from 'Austria, arriving in Mantua doverono pass from Milan, and took the opportunity to pillage, but unfortunately they left the plague. This terrible disease to 'start was not considered by anyone, but when he began to do the dead people began to wonder what it was. Some have cried to the plague, the governor, however, classified as a normal "pestilential fever", almost a trifle.
But now the plague had taken root among the people of Milan, helped by poor sanitation and famine. So many people died, and we finally decided to take precautions. The city still is not infected were isolated and no one was let in, but in Milan the situation was now infected sharply.
fact there was medicine for fever, if you walked into the middle, or healed or died. In most cases, however, we remained dry. The plague, then it is highly contagious, and you can take just touching the clothes of the sick, and then just spreads like wildfire through the undergrowth. And so it was for Milan. The Church, have the opposite effect, made the long processions and rituals, but had the opposite effect to that intended: in fact, gathering together all those people, and not infected, the epidemic will spread, and Milan was in the throes of fever.
were thereby established the hospitals, infirmaries, where they tried to treat the terminally ill, a special body of immune the plague called "Monatti," who were paid to carry away the bodies from the houses and burying them in mass graves.
They, however, often took advantage of their authority, and robbed the houses of the dead. For this reason, were seen by the wrong people. Then there was the rumor around the spreaders, people infected and anointed with oil the doors of the houses of citizens, infect. For this reason, many innocent people were killed, that, by behaving oddly or simply asking for particular things such as plague spreaders were taken and killed.
The population of Milan while he was in the grip of this confusion, was decimated. Fortunately, after a few months, the fever went away as it was coming.


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