Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Milena Velba Gallerij

Chapter 26 The Betrothed The Betrothed free theme played Chapter 25

Don Rodrigo had not yet fully tasted the joy of the transfer

father of Christopher, which descends upon him the news of liberation and the subsequent conversion of the Unnamed Lucia. The people will soon rebuild the die which leads to him, nothing else can do that run in Milan, followed by the shame of failure. Moves away from the country and threatening his shadow there arrived to visit the cardinal, always cheerfully accepted, especially since the miracle he worked there is an implied their village. The only party is so dull in Don abundance, which makes the duties of the host so impeccable. But it's attention, the Cardinal will have been informed by someone on his responsibilities in each of the two promised? It seems the attitude of the Cardinal can infer that he knows nothing. The focus now shifts to the bishop Lucia is entrusted to the care and Security Prassede certain woman, a woman of considerable wealth and power, offering to do good to the young. The cardinal gave his assent. Lucia And so some time later, has to move again: this time will stay in the house of a woman Prassede. Things brighten for Lucia yet nothing that says the mother of the promise made to Our Lady. But the storm thickens on the head of Don Abbondio. The cardinal knew and cared for in an interview calls on his activities. But it seems to care that things could not get otherwise: he had been threatened with death by Don Rodrigo and this was reason for him to cause him more persuasive than ever in need. The cardinal who opposed the duty of every priest is also to address death for the implementation of its ideal. But Don Abbondio replies that things could go in the direction of the cardinal, only if you had to do any account of life. But what can you do to earn the good against people who have the strength and who do not want to listen to reason? But then he added the cardinal, sure to be engaged in a ministry that requires you to be at war with the interests of the powerful, sinners? And to defend the poor, the dispossessed, the parishioners who were under your care what you did? You've loved to have abandoned them or sacrifice to the powerful, the injustice, the conquerors?
Discussion on Women Prassede

The couple tailor-good woman fresh from hosting Lucia enters into the castle of the story, which continues to unfold around Lucia, another couple who, unlike the first, modest social status, belongs to the nobility, as they say the names - and Prassede Ferrante - be of those noble Milan came from Spain and that, as they had in hand political power, thus arrogated to themselves the title of model behavior and morality. And something of this attitude comes out in spagnoleschi Prassede woman that wants to be a woman who knows what is good, what others should do, so he claims, in a world of deviance, the missionary task of redressing the distortions. The affinities between the two pairs are few and are reduced to two husbands who practice with books, so amateurish a tailor, in a professional and robust Noble. Attention here is focused on Prassede woman, a woman of few ideas, most of them wrong, but she was more fond of these. It was led by two stars: that of feeling predestined to do good and lead men, the people, for the good of which she was authorized interpreter and without doubt, and that the injury according to which men and women who were in dissonance with the authorities of the state or affective relationship with the dissidents should have TARE that only those who had, like her, the gift of truth, could treat and cure. In the process of education are interested in the intellectual and moral life of the subject: what was descended from the belief that his action was a response to the privilege that allowed the creator. It was said animated by love for others, for the dispossessed, for the compromises in error: and this part is the prototype of her lady love, that between the noble commitments which plays with the same complacency and indifference also that of 'love and to give aid to those it deems it worthy. Of similar types of women's charity, aristocratic occasionally pays a visit to some den or a fixed day of the week, and no one else, for alms, Manzoni was a certain type in the poems of his compatriot Porta, operating between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. This is a kind of woman who is considered the bearer of truth, the actual charity, of fidelity to the Gospel. And here's keen to reveal the spirit Manzoni in women, as women Prassede, there is a false and immoral, and especially anti-Christian. What characterizes this benefactor is the vanity, pride of caste, the superiority of the aristocratic, the absence of genuine charitable work, too much self-confidence, a willingness to impose on others the principles we believe in a second line of action and justification which can be traced to the Jesuits of the sixteenth century, and their educational systems based on authoritarianism and the reduction of the pupil to the model they set. "Defect Capital Prassede woman is short, as ironic as well say the same Manzoni, the sky to take his brain, namely the lack of charitable sympathy and respect for human connection to others, humility and skepticism about itself, the Christian Manzoni, who so well knows the misery of our minds for so long has not pondered the man's weakness and enlightened by grace, can not argue with this arrogant enough: we must judge, correct, resume, and 'God knows what we would do the same in the case, what we have done in similar cases, 'says Frederic Borromeo, who is a saint, Don is Don Abbondio abundance, but no woman Prassede will never say those words, which will never think of being among those that can be judged, corrected, included "(Petronius). faccendona But this, so conceited and no doubt, be so sure of the interpreter of religious truth and moral" door his sentence in itself "and with it you mean" that for her there is no hope of salvation. "In his comparison, a great sinner as Gertrude's safer hopes to redeem himself, because where there is misery, tragedy interior, there quell'insoddisfazione that gives the sinner a sense of weakness and therefore the chance to reform. And remember Gertrude is not misplaced. While it is disinterested in the fact Lucia and try to help a stranger in her tenderness of good, much to atone for even a little curiosity about its troubled history when I come to love and Renzo passionaccia Don Rodrigo, the woman had Prassede into her head that Lucia, as a no-good girlfriend, something he had, and when you know it, instead of correcting this bias, if it convinces more and more ... And here is the explanation of the severity of the moralist, that does not apply to a woman Prassede an intellectual type of the eighteenth century, but is perfectly consistent with the authentic Christianity, which is lenient to the poor in spirit, including those who sin against overwhelmed by passions, but uncompromising against the sin of pride, the greatest of sins against God, that of Lucifer and the presumption is a special kind of pride.
depth look at the tailor's house

Throughout this part of the chapter, if the scene continues to focus on Lucia, who with her leads, almost underground seam line, other characters here, even if marginally, called, the place that unifies the various moments is the tailor's house. One of those houses are not luxurious or miserable, modest, simple, but with the sign of the confidentiality of human warmth, order, cleanliness, harmony, much like the Manzoni satisfy his taste "of democracy and his love values \u200b\u200bfor resting and rewarding, for the corners where life seems rather than locking them up and beat tumultuous rally to the defense and preservation of intimate things. "Inside the house the good woman who is the lady's gentle ways, do not feel anything for the inconvenience to guests, seeking to consolidate and free from anxiety Lucia adventure amazing, it shows caring, is in a corner during the Cardinal's visit that she knows how to have character Lucia. And there the children make their appearance, with something hard and joyously petulant, with the enthusiasm of those who live an exceptional adventure. But the whole house is dominated by the tailor, not size of letters, the man who stands out among the common people of the country because can read and write and has some books to read, and believed to have been screened by the malign fate in a situation that is not his. And the wait is finally unleash the power of fact and its culture to talk with a real writer. And in his imagination, who knows how many times he had formed the image of himself sitting among the learned, all aimed at recognition of his culture and his personality. And at the right time the whole building collapses and he falls down with the building: it is taken from care; of the many unconventional phrases he previously selected one and come to his lips the insignificant and for life will continue to besiege and act as a constant reproach: that's not in bad shape will be cleared from memory. And here by the humor Manzoni has a moment of human compassion and understanding: this is the end of a painful failure. And another character returns: Don abundance is not only alive during their brief conversation in the street that intersects with Agnes, but also in the words of this complaint to the cardinal of the cowardice of the priest, the religious duty of disobedience: this opportunity for attack and continuing with another episode, that the conversation between the priest and the cardinal. But at this point of the episode is imposed Agnes for three of his actions: he has the courage to report to the cardinal sins of the priest, pronounces this phrase full of good sense considering it and found not a pervert but a weak, repeating the fact that a man would have behaved the same way, says that in an unjust world (and the cardinal approves) the rascals unload the blame on the poor and that they are always wrong. And in his conversation with the cardinal well it detects the difference between spiritual and Lucy Agnes: Agnes is a great woman, but she misses her daughter's modesty, jealousy, intimacy religious, ethical thoroughness, in one sentence, full compliance and good instincts to the law of the Gospel encoding. It is therefore natural, and is in harmony with the nature of working-class lively and talkative, this accusation against Don Abbondio fractious, expressed confidence in Frederick and folk with words of wrath for the penalties to which the cowardice of the priest has left her and her Lucia. Manzoni and understands and sympathizes, so that comment just a short and jocular reproach Ah, Agnes! Even the little lie that Agnes with her a little moral 'accommodative affords.


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