Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eyeclops Mini Projector Uk

When dreams come true are aged - Missing Baruffa

We are at the moment transferred allafrontera , both virtually and in the flesh, presumably until the next spring (Italian).

We are here by choice, madness, even for economic convenience, to chase dreams, even if I'm already a bit 'old, and even some signs, but this is intuition and not tell.

You know, you ever, when a dream comes true but you are already over? And you do not grab him, that dream? Just who in the meantime already been dreaming of another, and carry around a cumbersome new identity, making its weight felt.
Meanwhile, learn to observe things, learn patience and trust, surprise and gratitude and mingle a bit 'of fear, like a sloth, a lack of interest in the launch, a few years ago was not there. Kind of maturity? Of course not to delegate the care of animals again, next time, if we leave, we start together, transhumance.