Friday, December 3, 2010
Alot Of Cervical Mucus Day Before Period Is Due
LONDON - In one way or another, Italy has weathered the worst of the economic crisis, despite a growth rate lower than other major European countries and unemployment still at a level too high. However, even if the contingent difficulties were partly overcome, there is nothing to be optimistic: "Even if ripartisse the march of development, our company would not have the thickness and strength adequate to the challenges we face." Not only that: "In the country are evident signs of fragility, both personal and mass behavior and attitudes disoriented, indifferent, cynical, passive adaptive influences of prisoners media, condemned this without deep memory and a future. " And again: "It says a wave of unruly impulses," with individual behaviors to accomplish a "selfish and self narciscistico" that leads to incidents of family violence, bullying in the free, taste apathetic to do crimes, a tendency to easy sexual pleasures, in the feverish parts of objects to acquire and research experience of death-defying, like the recent phenomenon of 'balconing. In essence: "We are a society marked by dangerously empty, since a cycle full of historical interest and social conflicts is replacing a cycle marked by the annulment nirvanizzazione and interests and conflicts. "
Nerbi WITHOUT A COUNTRY - It is a photograph taken by the merciless Censis in its 44th report on the social situation of the country. The Italy of 2010 is actually represented as an 'amoeba', spineless and shapeless entity that is struggling to become aware of their potential and to make that shot of pride that would allow it to recover strength and look ahead. The reasons, according to researchers, are to be found in a number of factors: the loss of high values \u200b\u200bthat have characterized the past decades, from the emotional drive received an inheritance from the Renaissance, the disappointment of a market economy who has rejected much hope, lack of trust in politicians and the ever increasing vertical integration of the latter.
THE "FALL OF DESIRE '- The Italians are suffering from a real" loss of desire "which is manifested in every aspect of their lives fulfilled the goals that we aimed in the past (from the house property which is now a reality for most families the chance to go on vacation or own property) you are confronted today with the hectic run-up to objects "really never wanted ', as the latest model of phone, maybe the fifth or sixth changed few years. «Back to be desired - points out the Censis - is the civic virtue necessary to reactivate a society too satisfied and flattened. " No coincidence between the signals are quoted against the employers and young people working or studying abroad, who have turned their desire in the form of confrontation and international competitiveness.
DECLINE IN SELF-EMPLOYMENT - The economic data, moreover, are not comforting. In Italy, home of small business, is failing for some time self-employment, that everywhere in the world has been the engine that has allowed the crisis: 2004 to 2009 there was a negative balance of 437 000 employers and employed workers, with the percentage decrease of 7.6%. And there is an increase in unemployment among young people in the first two quarters was 5.9%, compared to an average reduction in the rest of Europe was 0.9%. In Italy there are 2,242,000 people aged 15 to 34 years who do not study, do not work and not seeking employment, including the propensity - confirmed by more than half of young Italians in this age group - not to accept jobs considered strenuous or low prestige.
ITALY AND EUROPE - The flattening in the economic field must be sought, according to Censis, in other factors and, especially, in comparison with what happens abroad. Between 2000 and 2009 the rate of economic growth Italian was lower than in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Made in Italy has lost 0.3% on a worldwide basis, reaching a global market share of 3.5%. And to lose ground were the sectors with the highest rate of specialization, from footwear to furniture, which until now had been a plus for our exports. It's not all, Italy is the European country with the lowest use of flexible working hours (only 11% of companies with more than 10 people using night shifts, only 14% make use of work on Sundays and 38 % down on Saturday. It is also among the nations of the continent, one where the less you take models of worker participation in company's bottom line: this is only 3% of the total, against a European average of 14.
THINGS OF OUR COUNTRY - And then all the evils (or mainly) Italian. Starting in the black economy based on tax avoidance by € 100 billion per year, which drains resources equivalent to 4.7% of GDP. Between 2007 and 2008 the economy is estimated to have irregular grew 3.3%. A survey of Censis himself says that the Italians are in part aware that 44.4% of them considered the principal evil of our economy and that more than half of respondents would support an increase in anti-avoidance. However, more than a third of Italians candidly admits not to require receipts or invoices to merchants and professionals, especially if this allows them to save a few euro. Finally there is a chapter of organized crime in Sicily, Campania, Calabria and Puglia - which together record 672 municipalities whose criminal gangs that are present are the masters - permanently occupies more than 54% of the total territory.
Alessandro Sala
December 3, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
How To Dress Like A Grunge Rocker
Psychologist: "It 's a mistake to do things that make us unhappy so as not to upset friends and family members'
MILAN -" If you do not get what you want from life, do not turn back, do not point out anyone, do not look around you, but look in the mirror, there you will find the only responsible and also only able to remedy it. Elena Orlandi, psychologist training (, wrote a book ("License cares! Practical Guide for honest self-centered," Varia Selfhelp necklace, De Agostini, 14 €, 256 pages) to explain exactly this: change is difficult but not impossible. Each of us, however, thinks Dr. Orlandi, should give up the responses of circumstance (precisely the "who cares" of one who gives up early) to learn to be honest with himself.
"I have seen, over the years, a substantial series of people who suffer because do not feel free to express themselves. Who feel compelled, not to disappoint friends wives, girlfriends, children and gentlemen, to do things that make them happy. But when a person is finally able to admit that sometimes another means to satisfy ourselves unhappy when a person finally succeeds in gaining the self-affirmation can be comfortable. " The problem, says the doctor, is that "when we put ourselves aside, we lose touch with who we are: and here come the difficulties. It is not easy to be selfish in our society, our culture. It takes a lot of work on themselves to stop sacrificing their peace of mind. "
Matthew Persivale
October 22 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Eyeclops Mini Projector Uk

We are here by choice, madness, even for economic convenience, to chase dreams, even if I'm already a bit 'old, and even some signs, but this is intuition and not tell.
You know, you ever, when a dream comes true but you are already over? And you do not grab him, that dream? Just who in the meantime already been dreaming of another, and carry around a cumbersome new identity, making its weight felt.
Meanwhile, learn to observe things, learn patience and trust, surprise and gratitude and mingle a bit 'of fear, like a sloth, a lack of interest in the launch, a few years ago was not there. Kind of maturity? Of course not to delegate the care of animals again, next time, if we leave, we start together, transhumance.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Game Shoot Arrows At Bubbles
# The current Western concept of holiday, however, is fierce, because the very concept of work, not only because it interferes with a profound sense of freedom, but because it changes the meaning. In the holiday period, millions of people are forced to have fun, as in the rest of the year are forced to work without rest, to dream of finding a job or recover from failures and diseases caused by forced employment and daily .
# This mechanism of eight hours of work every day, always produced social tensions, neuroses, depression, disease states and especially the feeling of losing forever the feeling of life.
# Suffering is a sign of abnormality, the lack of a response to the most basic needs of life. The human being who lives the serenity of having good food, working no more than three hours a day, and he is guaranteed a home, many friends, many loves, the chance to know your body and the environment in which they live , such a human being is not ill, does not know any form of depression and even pain.
# Every human being is an absolute masterpiece and source bears witness to their own creative uniqueness, no one is ever born like him before him and no one will be born 'as ever him after him. The project that each would be entitled to remain and continue to be himself, as is the age of three or four years when it acts only according to their needs and wants, eats, plays, laughs and loves. Instead of human beings in this society are created by evil Western accountants, husbands, managers, workers, teachers, actors, artists, popes, presidents, criminals, etc etc ill.
# One constitutional law: "At the heart of every initiative, the focus of the state and citizens must first human being."
Friday, August 20, 2010
Drivers License Exchange In Toronto Ontario
Here you can breathe air at the end of summer already ... a period already nostalgic for me. But for us before the summer ends, in a week, as in Temuco will still winter when we get ...
And I know that there are only six months, which is a breath in a lifetime, which is also a desire that I have always had, but I feel the earth disappear beneath your feet. I would explain to the animals we'll be back very soon, I repeat it to him often.
meantime I'm enjoying the fruits of a summer rich in a week and yet we leave behind to make jams and syrups Rusticana, pies with the blackberries, though I'm emptying the pantry ... because we have to leave.
Be '... while the craftsman concerned back in March, as fear cold weather and especially the change of climate, I think to catch the last bit of winter comfort, I'm not hiding from this land of which I feel more part.
Now I have no time and got pretty serious conversations that revolve in my own little universe in relation to this departure, and I hope to put some ideas down here, put them in order and clarity even in the head. Or in the heart.
Feel the Earth our home, but also to leave this little corner of the world makes me move. I have this alternation of seasons, this land is gray clay, this summer is so green and fresh.
E 'was hard, I was hoping to enjoy rivers, lakes, mountains, hoping taking a break before leaving. Not so, but it was rich, thanks to friends who have visited us.
autumn will come again, still winter, spring yet, still summer, the Baruffa.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Plan Construction Kart Buggy
Friday, July 30, 2010
Indian Channels And Sattelites Frequencies

sadly note the death of our beloved Black, for indigestion (yes, sheep are also capable of this), which unfortunately has discovered a can of bran

Sira's death, we had a guest from time to time, only a little dog, who will be missed so much,
the death of Arthur, the cat harder. but we hope you come back, because within two months, however, it showed up twice ...

misadventures with the bees and then (this time I hope that I immunized) and other stories but also new chicks for luck, a new site for the Artisan (in a few days on active ), self!
but also preparing for next autumn-winter ...
we go to Chile, with a scholarship for a project on indigenous world view (Mapuche) and eco-friendly practices ...
voila, I said.
I have already several nights that if I'm away and come back at dusk to Baruffa I am touched, I will miss all this, the ground beneath my feet and animals, the valley.
But in short, a winter weather. So
is also implemented by the temporary transfer to Frontera Baruffa but still I do not have time for too much explanation.
Differant Type Of Labia
here I'm evolving the video on InsuTv Genuine Clandestine
here you will find information to support the project by buying a share, at cost 10 euro!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
La Cimbali M 30 Bistro

go and see it on where in addition to the atmosphere of the two days for the right of producers to produce with farmers and healthy methods, emerging issues in the field on the delicate issue of the right to food and food sovereignty.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Men's Health Advertising Rates

On the other hand they have happened to a couple that are worth telling: a fox at 3 pm in Bologna (!!!), the border with Rastignano, agree that there else is near the river and starting fields and wilderness areas, though does something! Especially that I was at the bus stop and she was released from a kind of IALU driveway, made a fifty meters on Via Nazionale Toscana (!!!) and then took the road that goes to the River. As if nothing had happened. Beautiful is knowing that our presence in all three people at the bus stop, the rest of the desert, not bother ...
Funny how the brain reads at first glance "what a strange dog, with those big ears, and he walks funny ..." and finally sees a fox! Really we only see what they could not believe ...
While yesterday morning, cooking and, luckily, I have a beautiful view from the kitchen and look out often ... I see the dog running like a madman behind a. .. sketched a rabbit and fast, and fear, he found an escape route ...
by a hair we could save!
E. .. be '... as a strange animal in the photo above I present to you Black, and this is his companion Sabbath ...

here first and shearing.

Argo before and after. Or if you prefer, Argo autumn-winter and spring-summer ...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Frog Labeled Muscles Parts
James Koller and Lance Henson (the latter only in Selva Malvezzi) on 28 and 29 of this month.
The first, in Bologna at the "library using"
Goito Street, 3 / c
Friday, May 28, at 18
info: 051-233333 - info (at)
The second, Selva Malvezzi / Moline
Via Selva, 73 / 9 (country house of Livy and Dianella Bardelli)
Saturday, May 29, at 21
info: 051-6907200 - dianella.bardelli (at) free. it
short biography:
James Koller
Born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1936. Twenty years after he moved to San Francisco, where he met the poets of the Beat Generation and began to write poetry. Next is the protagonist in the world of alternative culture of the sixties and seventies with the magazine Coyote's Journal and Coyote Books, the publishing house, which is still active. He has published a dozen books and pamphlets of poetry and prose, and is known both in his country as in Europe. Long collaborated with the Italian Bioregional Network. He lives with his wife Maggie in a house in the woods of Maine.
Lance Henson
Born in Washington in 1944, is a poet Cheyenne. After a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the University of Tulsa, has conducted numerous poetry workshops in the USA. He has published 28 volumes of poems and his works have been translated into many languages. Recently the publisher Knight Bus has published the book "The texts of the wolf." He has participated in many literary festivals around the world and is part of the Dog Soldiers, the Native American Church and the American Indiam Movement.
Please, those interested in participate is requested to communicate to the references above or Giuseppe Moretti: morettig (at)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Como Dices Clip Art En Español
... newspapers and local news ...
Well ', continued with the hiding from the web, the usual surplus of commitments and, above all, because the computer seemed to be in recovery he returned to the doctor (sigh!), and work continues to accumulate ... Meanwhile
point out two news, one in a Web 2.0 event in Bologna, which aims to inspire a bit 'our city and network with these individuals and organizations active in cultural activities and promotion of the territory, of which we hear from Panz present on .
The other news, a different kind, on the question of access to land in our country by young people who want to farm. During the two days of Rome the rights of farmers to grow their traditional access to land has emerged as a significant issue in the activities of associations and sensitive individuals. A first meeting in Monte Alago in early June.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Buy Kirkland Signature Cookies

And now comes up with a book, which I'm very curious to read, so I want to participate!
And if the internet is like the like, and combinations to create common interests, I like this side there is a bit 'of everything and that different things can live together ...
because even though I feel akin to all the various bio-fair-natural-radical (but chic!) Who fortunately live in the network more and more, I like to be interested and to exchange views with those who are different (it will be my moon in Aquarius), especially if, as in its pages, there is irony, sincerity and dynamism.
So here we are!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Play Farmville On Blackberry
many days that I do not write ...
Rome, the days Genuine and Clandestino, beautiful, apart from the trip, but fun troooppo long, and then
Argo, one of the dogs, which autoavvelena eating an insulator that was in his bed for years ... but luckily took home the peel!
and then Arthur, the cat harder, with an infection on his face because of his fights spring in search of cats ...
and then the bees swarm for the first time ...
and then the collection of wild herbs (which goes hand in hand with economic hardship ...), transplants in the garden (at last), which, of course, wants the man dead ... and so on and so forth ...
well ... are burn out!
and try to work on the site Craftsman, because he deserves it ...
I know that I will be absent a lot more ', or with this fast and frivolous things ...
work in progress ...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What Is Bullet Express
Viewpoints from "CheTempoCheFa" of 17/04/2010
The first point struck me during the wonderful and fascinating account of the life of Caravaggio by Professor Flavio Caroli : in 1800 we had a different vision of life as we see today: "I now live, then I do not know." That life could end at any moment, almost all turned tanks, and nearly died.
Today everyone thinks (too) are already thinking about tomorrow, and especially a lot of living or the statistical average. ;
The second is the quote from the book "Facts and factoids. The pseudo-art and society" by Gillo Dorfles , that all facts can be distorted by anyone, for the first journalists, and run true facts, or make incorrect.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Diablo D2nt Bot Manual
Rome 17 - April 18, 2010
Two days of farmers' markets, entertainment, music, information and socializing in order to claim the legality of the small scale farmers. The health and hygiene regulations currently in force require that any person is concerned with the processing of food, irrespective of the type of production and processing, to acquire specialized laboratories that meet certain standards of size and equipment. The laws governing the agri-food sector are designed to protect large companies and are doing all the dying small-scale agriculture and local high-quality favoring agribusiness corporations.
who adheres to the campaign "Genuine Clandestino"
opposes this system of rules and market access to the market by claiming
self-certification of products and direct sales that make transparent and visible
product liability and quality of productions. "Together we defend and spread our products
because everyone knows that they are genuine and reliable."
Saturday, April 17, 2010 from 10 to 14
City Utopia - Via Valeriano (St. Paul)
International Day to support organized by Via Campesina
the peasant struggle against transnational
who want to steal food and agriculture systems worldwide
caravan Genuine Clandestine
Saturday, April 17, 2010 from 16:00 to 20
CSA La Torre - Via Bertero, 13
National Meeting of Producers and Consumers.
social dinner and overnight
Sunday, April 18, 2010 from 10 am 17
csoa Forte Prenestino - snc Via Federico Delpino
Workshops, meetings, music, animation
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Best Hair Oil:arnica Hair Oil
Tonight the moon is full
I finally feel more empty
Today, a giant rainbow,
whole arc, dense
the entire range of 7 colors
embraced the view of green hills
damp uninhabited
bit of the wild world
wedged between the city-country-roads
part of nature's breath-
triangle shelter. Today
lightning, and lightning many
then fill in thick clouds
quick time on the lawn when it is sown
Thunder Quick March
that seemed almost left us this April
arc in a flash light
with his double only apparent
then clear full moon
moon and stars
frogs begin to sing and I also
(So too are frogs? They shoot, they are running water in ditches, and are daisy dove, fox and wild cat? They're are not any!)
Air Wind
alone opens the door of the house
inside of the outer glass
is closed but the wind pulls
half closes the door and just when I think
and nothing.
Moon Light
Arco Baleno
Lightning Lightning
Real Time
Frogs Sprouts.
The dogs bark more at night
for some time.
The cat is always on port mammone
Arturo instead of red and is always fascinating
presumably goes to cats.
It 's a cat in style. The caco
transplanted in a hurry maybe
died despite the placenta of Elisa & Alice
planted near
(in Wonderland)
or just slower than others.
Bowls abandoned rattle in the night wind moves
a full moon night
and now I write the wind is even stronger.
Night bright and clear
and I finally rediscover writing
with a keyboard
because I no longer a secret notebook, the last
not yet started and finished the first victim
are therefore
the speed of the keyboard dry
but not without magic.
is a greater detachment
I deal with life
halfway between the old one on the ridge
're almost on top of the hill I
n top of the hill is Hello
fame ... mama ... you'll see that I win!
and new around the corner
the smell, the desire, I-
we are creating the Universe and I
Reckless life
but mostly I look
I repeat
who I am and where I go
strong wind
arc flash
full moon
life is falling crumbs
embrace of loneliness friend
expect me to hoe
the breath
is out storm
the world is a mess
I live with my head too hard
insensitive to his own heart dancer
stupid rabid dislike
do not like this
his hand and I wonder
but basically I
not care I enjoy the sound of the wind and aspire
eyes clear
there is no end to this poetic
there is no end
yes or I do not care
I do not care about anything
today and tomorrow
I do not care I just do not
care about anything but just feel
feel closer links between similar
or not I'm afraid I'm afraid if I
of happiness.
not sure of Liberty was also
anyone or anything.
Maybe it's just the wind
I love.
So I let the words go
and go outside for a moment,
in the wind.
I'm going to sow dreams and desires.
is about to begin a new era
and I'm here now.
The rest do not care.
I care only
wind or the wind takes me like a Mary Poppins
fussy and anarchistic
but more rock.
And the more a farmer.
Rock farmer.
If I knew the music I like to write songs
but they gave me just the words.
And I thank them.
Give my regards to the stars, the distant planets,
when I'm here on Earth, planted
not want to know more
thank you but I just
a wink of an eye from time
time and arc flash
E 'this arrogance? is independence?
is blind faith?
is simple trust?
as when Maya gave birth in his bed one night of Jan. 2 for a few years ago?
It was a great wind
now that I remember.
It is not known.
We are connected, always on the usual screens.
And like last year,
same beach, same sea. Keep in touch
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How Much Olive Oil On A Dogs Food A Day
Extract from a speech of great Julio Velasco
The reality is as it is and not what we want.
not the team. Many times the attacker
crushes out why the ball was not raised right, then turn on the elevation and says he wants the ball higher and closer to the network;
The dribbler then turns around and says to the receiver. "Guys want the ball here because if you do not get good I have to rush to catch the ball and I can not pass the ball to Spiker where he wants it ..".
At that point, the receivers are running to find someone to blame ..
Then the coach should make a rule: do not speak of the lift .. Spiker the settle, do not judge it in any way. THE RESULT!
but Spiker, smart, learn to say, every time the ball is good, PERFECT! alzatori to, but that ultimately speak of the lift! and the coach should be angry.
The Spiker knows all of the lift, the lift are experts! DO NOT RAISE THEIR little problem CRUSHED !!!!! The coach wants
Spiker good balls that crush evil arise.
then do not talk about, we solve .. because if reality is as it is the brain (which is a wonderful thing) is to find the correct solution in terms of any kind of crushed up.
not spend time .. but how to think on the elevation crush well with any type of show.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
How Much Is A Canine Tooth For My Dog
The weight of the butterfly - Erri de Luca
"In every species are solitary groped to new experiences. I share experimental drifting. Behind them open the track closes."
"A man who does not attend is a man without women. It is not just a man, nothing more to add. And 'a man without. Can forget it, but when he finds himself before, you know again."