summary of the 44th Censis report on the social situation of the country
LONDON - In one way or another, Italy has weathered the worst of the economic crisis, despite a growth rate lower than other major European countries and unemployment still at a level too high. However, even if the contingent difficulties were partly overcome, there is nothing to be optimistic: "Even if ripartisse the march of development, our company would not have the thickness and strength adequate to the challenges we face." Not only that: "In the country are evident signs of fragility, both personal and mass behavior and attitudes disoriented, indifferent, cynical, passive adaptive influences of prisoners media, condemned this without deep memory and a future. " And again: "It says a wave of unruly impulses," with individual behaviors to accomplish a "selfish and self narciscistico" that leads to incidents of family violence, bullying in the free, taste apathetic to do crimes, a tendency to easy sexual pleasures, in the feverish parts of objects to acquire and research experience of death-defying, like the recent phenomenon of 'balconing. In essence: "We are a society marked by dangerously empty, since a cycle full of historical interest and social conflicts is replacing a cycle marked by the annulment nirvanizzazione and interests and conflicts. "
Nerbi WITHOUT A COUNTRY - It is a photograph taken by the merciless Censis in its 44th report on the social situation of the country. The Italy of 2010 is actually represented as an 'amoeba', spineless and shapeless entity that is struggling to become aware of their potential and to make that shot of pride that would allow it to recover strength and look ahead. The reasons, according to researchers, are to be found in a number of factors: the loss of high values \u200b\u200bthat have characterized the past decades, from the emotional drive received an inheritance from the Renaissance, the disappointment of a market economy who has rejected much hope, lack of trust in politicians and the ever increasing vertical integration of the latter.
THE "FALL OF DESIRE '- The Italians are suffering from a real" loss of desire "which is manifested in every aspect of their lives fulfilled the goals that we aimed in the past (from the house property which is now a reality for most families the chance to go on vacation or own property) you are confronted today with the hectic run-up to objects "really never wanted ', as the latest model of phone, maybe the fifth or sixth changed few years. «Back to be desired - points out the Censis - is the civic virtue necessary to reactivate a society too satisfied and flattened. " No coincidence between the signals are quoted against the employers and young people working or studying abroad, who have turned their desire in the form of confrontation and international competitiveness.
DECLINE IN SELF-EMPLOYMENT - The economic data, moreover, are not comforting. In Italy, home of small business, is failing for some time self-employment, that everywhere in the world has been the engine that has allowed the crisis: 2004 to 2009 there was a negative balance of 437 000 employers and employed workers, with the percentage decrease of 7.6%. And there is an increase in unemployment among young people in the first two quarters was 5.9%, compared to an average reduction in the rest of Europe was 0.9%. In Italy there are 2,242,000 people aged 15 to 34 years who do not study, do not work and not seeking employment, including the propensity - confirmed by more than half of young Italians in this age group - not to accept jobs considered strenuous or low prestige.
ITALY AND EUROPE - The flattening in the economic field must be sought, according to Censis, in other factors and, especially, in comparison with what happens abroad. Between 2000 and 2009 the rate of economic growth Italian was lower than in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Made in Italy has lost 0.3% on a worldwide basis, reaching a global market share of 3.5%. And to lose ground were the sectors with the highest rate of specialization, from footwear to furniture, which until now had been a plus for our exports. It's not all, Italy is the European country with the lowest use of flexible working hours (only 11% of companies with more than 10 people using night shifts, only 14% make use of work on Sundays and 38 % down on Saturday. It is also among the nations of the continent, one where the less you take models of worker participation in company's bottom line: this is only 3% of the total, against a European average of 14.
THINGS OF OUR COUNTRY - And then all the evils (or mainly) Italian. Starting in the black economy based on tax avoidance by € 100 billion per year, which drains resources equivalent to 4.7% of GDP. Between 2007 and 2008 the economy is estimated to have irregular grew 3.3%. A survey of Censis himself says that the Italians are in part aware that 44.4% of them considered the principal evil of our economy and that more than half of respondents would support an increase in anti-avoidance. However, more than a third of Italians candidly admits not to require receipts or invoices to merchants and professionals, especially if this allows them to save a few euro. Finally there is a chapter of organized crime in Sicily, Campania, Calabria and Puglia - which together record 672 municipalities whose criminal gangs that are present are the masters - permanently occupies more than 54% of the total territory.
Alessandro Sala
December 3, 2010
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