Thursday, April 1, 2010

Best Hair Oil:arnica Hair Oil

Rock in a full moon night. One night and one day - 36 hours - to the wind. Without ceasing to dig

A flash of poetry, finally, a couple of nights ago. Do not you find that it is so long that you do not write until it begins again, eh. The photo is not doctored.

Tonight the moon is full

I finally feel more empty

Today, a giant rainbow,
whole arc, dense

the entire range of 7 colors

embraced the view of green hills

damp uninhabited

bit of the wild world

wedged between the city-country-roads

part of nature's breath-

triangle shelter. Today

lightning, and lightning many

then fill in thick clouds

quick time on the lawn when it is sown

Thunder Quick March
that seemed almost left us this April

arc in a flash light


with his double only apparent

then clear full moon
moon and stars

frogs begin to sing and I also

(So too are frogs? They shoot, they are running water in ditches, and are daisy dove, fox and wild cat? They're are not any!)

Air Wind

alone opens the door of the house

inside of the outer glass


is closed but the wind pulls

half closes the door and just when I think


and nothing.


Moon Light

Arco Baleno

Lightning Lightning

Real Time

Frogs Sprouts.

The dogs bark more at night
for some time.
The cat is always on port mammone

Arturo instead of red and is always fascinating
presumably goes to cats.
It 's a cat in style. The caco

transplanted in a hurry maybe

died despite the placenta of Elisa & Alice
planted near
(in Wonderland)

or just slower than others.

Bowls abandoned rattle in the night wind moves

a full moon night

and now I write the wind is even stronger.

Night bright and clear


and I finally rediscover writing

with a keyboard

because I no longer a secret notebook, the last
not yet started and finished the first victim
are therefore
the speed of the keyboard dry

but not without magic.


is a greater detachment

I deal with life

halfway between the old one on the ridge

're almost on top of the hill I

n top of the hill is Hello
fame ... mama ... you'll see that I win!

and new around the corner
the smell, the desire, I-

we are creating the Universe and I

Reckless life

but mostly I look

I repeat

who I am and where I go


strong wind

arc flash

full moon

life is falling crumbs

embrace of loneliness friend


expect me to hoe

the breath

is out storm

the world is a mess

I live with my head too hard

insensitive to his own heart dancer
stupid rabid dislike
do not like this

his hand and I wonder

but basically I

not care I enjoy the sound of the wind and aspire


eyes clear

there is no end to this poetic

there is no end

yes or I do not care

I do not care about anything

today and tomorrow

I do not care I just do not

care about anything but just feel

feel closer links between similar

or not I'm afraid I'm afraid if I

of happiness.

not sure of Liberty was also
anyone or anything.

Maybe it's just the wind

I love.

So I let the words go

and go outside for a moment,
in the wind.

I'm going to sow dreams and desires.

is about to begin a new era

and I'm here now.

The rest do not care.

I care only

wind or the wind takes me like a Mary Poppins

fussy and anarchistic

but more rock.

And the more a farmer.

Rock farmer.

If I knew the music I like to write songs

but they gave me just the words.
And I thank them.

Give my regards to the stars, the distant planets,
when I'm here on Earth, planted

not want to know more

thank you but I just

a wink of an eye from time

time and arc flash

E 'this arrogance? is independence?
is blind faith?
is simple trust?
as when Maya gave birth in his bed one night of Jan. 2 for a few years ago?

It was a great wind
now that I remember.

It is not known.

We are connected, always on the usual screens.

And like last year,
same beach, same sea. Keep in touch


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