Theme done justice in a free Betrothed
"The provocative, the spare, all those who, by any means,
others are wrong, are guilty not only of the evil they commit, but the perversion which still bear the souls of hurt "(" The Betrothed "Chapter II). Manzoni, sounding sad and quiet, to lead to a reflection Moral his readers (valid for all time to come and not just for the seventeenth century) uses of history, real and imaginary, to clarify what each of us is responsible with their actions of the others. You take the court.
From the first pages of "The Betrothed," the company Manzoni presents a spare, violent, where the issues (as the same Don Abbondio, during the interview with Renzo) are not discussed in terms of wrong or right, but in terms strength. The main responsible for this dramatic situation, are, according to the author, the various local lords and squires, who, having a high influence on the judicial institutions and protected by small armies of personal good, easily circumvent the proclamations for to assert its power of oppression on the population. The climate of injustice and violence is therefore determined by the still strong feudal power, personified in the figure of Don Rodrigo, the total inefficiency of the judiciary and the English, whose organization is bureaucratic, slow and cumbersome, it fails to provide citizens the necessary protection. Thus, the only "justice" is respected and that of Don Rodrigo those who, like him, have violence as a means of domination. But not enough. Even the intellectuals, men of the church as not, are subservient to the cause of power, and are forced to accept the logic of exploitation. Don abundance, the Azzecca-tangles, common people, people in itself harmless, far from the blood and violence, become, with the same culture they have, the victims and the instruments of oppression. Clearly then, at this point, the meaning of the words of Manzoni: the oppressors, not merely to engage in violence against the weak, but also involving men in their logical first outsiders to the terrible system of 'organized injustice. "
However, apart from the intellectual become an instrument of power in the hands, stained with murder, the author's words also refer to another kind of induction to violence and hatred: the daily incidents that give rise to the oppression of poor people. From the bottom of society, you see it go, as well as tears of the weak exploited, even their words of anger, hatred, anger, revenge. And it is here that the Manzoni wrote his maxim: "The provocative, the spare, all those who in any way, do wrong to others, are guilty not only of the evil they commit, but the perversion which still carry the minds of the offended. " In fact, after learning the truth, namely that its married Lucia is prevented by the will of Don Rodrigo, the first reaction is to design Renzo terrible thoughts of revenge. Suddenly, the figure of Renzo upsets, the young and "peaceful and alien blood" that was, it turns into a would-be murderess. He wants to end it and, even with its very limited means, to drown in blood the arrogance of Don Rodrigo. In his mind whirling suddenly ugly draft death traps, murder and revenge. His metamorphosis, rapid and dramatic and desperate strikes the reader and leads him to reflect on the words of the author. It is the vicious circle of hatred and violence (the strong oppressing the weak who learns to hate as well) that transforms human history, and not only that of the seventeenth century, an immense carnage, in a large valley of anger and oppression. But at this point fall on the theme of divine providence, so dear to Manzoni, which provides a way to break the cycle that adds evil to evil. Just as the image of Lucy gives the reason in the mind of Renzo and brings them back his way, as well as his firm belief in God and in divine justice, bring light into the darkness of the sinister thoughts of Renzo, providence promises weak redemption and the redemption from oppression, as long as he is the first to break the circle of blood, not responding to violence with violence (in the Gospel, Christ himself says: "If they give you a slap in the face, you do not answer, but turn the other cheek "). Lucy herself cry alarmed Renzo, felt his intentions:" No, no, for heaven's sake! The Lord is for the poor, and how you want to help us, if we form of evil?. "In these words, Manzoni leaves us with a profound message, trust in divine justice as the only means of rebellion to the logic of violence that, in every abuse of power, the specter of the evil that hovers over all of human history.
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