Theme played Chapter 30 Free Chapter 29 The Betrothed
devastating arrival of the army of mercenaries,
political and military ally of the Spaniards, but authentic storm for the population exposed to the looting and all forms of violence go unpunished, even the locals don Abbondio escaped to areas deemed safer. He must flee: Perpetua and urges him to get out of torpor and give a helping hand, rather than fill the house with lamentations portray himself as unproductive and abandoned by all. Agnes suggests a safe haven: the castle of. Before leaving Perpetua has been buried under a tree a few treasures of the house: it is considered smart, too. As usual do not agree with his gesture Don Abbondio. En route stop to visit the tailor and his family: they are greeted with much celebration. Welcomes them with lordly kindness even the Unnamed. Who prepared the castle to defend against the mercenaries. should not pass unless groups of stragglers or latecomers. In the castle there are many people and this worries Don abundance that in fact sees this as an invitation to the mercenaries. The concern is the fact that I 'Unnamed you put unarmed at the head of his former good and go to defeat a group of mercenaries that was too close to the castle. But what dominates everywhere here is the figure of the Unnamed now converted and fully intended to businesses in defense of the weak and fight against injustice. All those who now, forced by German forces, took refuge from him admired him and looked ecstatic. He was never stopped: in and out of the castle was always moving to see, to appear, to bring order and to monitor and give courage.
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