Friday, August 27, 2010

Game Shoot Arrows At Bubbles

Silvano Agosti

# The current Western concept of holiday, however, is fierce, because the very concept of work, not only because it interferes with a profound sense of freedom, but because it changes the meaning. In the holiday period, millions of people are forced to have fun, as in the rest of the year are forced to work without rest, to dream of finding a job or recover from failures and diseases caused by forced employment and daily .

# This mechanism of eight hours of work every day, always produced social tensions, neuroses, depression, disease states and especially the feeling of losing forever the feeling of life.

# Suffering is a sign of abnormality, the lack of a response to the most basic needs of life. The human being who lives the serenity of having good food, working no more than three hours a day, and he is guaranteed a home, many friends, many loves, the chance to know your body and the environment in which they live , such a human being is not ill, does not know any form of depression and even pain.

# Every human being is an absolute masterpiece and source bears witness to their own creative uniqueness, no one is ever born like him before him and no one will be born 'as ever him after him. The project that each would be entitled to remain and continue to be himself, as is the age of three or four years when it acts only according to their needs and wants, eats, plays, laughs and loves. Instead of human beings in this society are created by evil Western accountants, husbands, managers, workers, teachers, actors, artists, popes, presidents, criminals, etc etc ill.

# One constitutional law: "At the heart of every initiative, the focus of the state and citizens must first human being."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Drivers License Exchange In Toronto Ontario

Thoughts very much of late summer ... a little 'nostalgia

Here you can breathe air at the end of summer already ... a period already nostalgic for me. But for us before the summer ends, in a week, as in Temuco will still winter when we get ...

Immagine 104 Immagine 082

Immagine 099 Immagine 085 Immagine 132

And I know that there are only six months, which is a breath in a lifetime, which is also a desire that I have always had, but I feel the earth disappear beneath your feet. I would explain to the animals we'll be back very soon, I repeat it to him often.

meantime I'm enjoying the fruits of a summer rich in a week and yet we leave behind to make jams and syrups Rusticana, pies with the blackberries, though I'm emptying the pantry ... because we have to leave.

Be '... while the craftsman concerned back in March, as fear cold weather and especially the change of climate, I think to catch the last bit of winter comfort, I'm not hiding from this land of which I feel more part.

Now I have no time and got pretty serious conversations that revolve in my own little universe in relation to this departure, and I hope to put some ideas down here, put them in order and clarity even in the head. Or in the heart.

Feel the Earth our home, but also to leave this little corner of the world makes me move. I have this alternation of seasons, this land is gray clay, this summer is so green and fresh.

E 'was hard, I was hoping to enjoy rivers, lakes, mountains, hoping taking a break before leaving. Not so, but it was rich, thanks to friends who have visited us.

Immagine 126 Immagine 128 Immagine 131 Immagine 033 Immagine 021

autumn will come again, still winter, spring yet, still summer, the Baruffa.

candelora 050 Immagine 107

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Plan Construction Kart Buggy

Time Management

Remember the Pareto Principle or the Law 80/20 (actually Pareto formulated comment on the distribution of income and was Joseph M. Juran to generate empirical observation called the law 80/20 Ed.) Under this Act, for any scope of 20% of something is usually responsible for the remaining 80% or 20% important, 80% is trivial.

is to say that "most of the effects is due to a small number of cases." Applying the rule to the working time is deduced that 20% of the work consumes 80% of time and resources. So if too much time is wasted and unimportant things. Add to this the widespread habit of being "slaves of time" and have the mindset of having to "Fill the time" are examples of a flawed approach.

In these cases, we complain because we have too many things to do and why you can not do everything. The paradox is that you are always extremely busy, frantically busy, or are always in a state of emergency, but continued to postpone the things that are truly priorities. This means a loss of efficiency, productivity, a failure to achieve the goals and the inevitable failure of assigned operations. For anyone this is a problem for a Project Manager is as damaging as intolerable as to work to targets and deadlines is the normal working mode.

approach and Change ... habits

exploited then the Pareto rule, a project manager must focus on what is really important that only 20%, because it produces better results. Too often meet the expectations of others that are customers, employees, family members leads to be swayed by unfounded emergencies and to devote themselves to things not strictly necessary, thus triggering a passive management of the time.
Change approach means doing what it has been decided, focusing on core activities and relevant switching to active management of time: Time Management helps to focus the interest on the present and the real priorities. So despite having a huge amount of work to do to be productive you can remain calm, relaxing and checking the situation. you must apply a series of measures in a timely manner, systematic and comprehensive way to attend to their work and not be buried.

interventions for effective time management concern four action groups:

1. Arrears. Some activities are often put off simply because they are considered infinitely boring and uninteresting, even if their implementation would require a time objectively content. The result is that these tasks accumulate causing harmful consequences, and sometimes getting in the worst case "of unease that we chase to be processed! Changing habits and counting of all the things to do, even some of the less like you can avoid the accumulation of arrears. In addition, a positive and constructive attitude, can perform any task, even if initially perceived as burdensome and unattractive.

2. Discontinuity. It can happen to engage in work intermittently due to constant interruptions due to phone calls, chatting with colleagues, incoming mail, sms ... In fact, in most cases everything is due to a personal lack of concentration that, unconsciously, makes the occurrence of such mishaps. It is therefore sufficient to achieve the environmental conditions to help maintain concentration referring to the most appropriate time "interaction with the outside world."

3. Persistence of Chaos. The confusion over the tools and the chaotic management of their commitments do not allow work to deadlines. A must is the organization of work to be done immediately and what to do in rapid succession and introductory specifying the date and time. Ideas and information should be collated in a priority order directed to a definite result. Decide the next step and put in place is a discipline mind, write down the agenda is essential to any habit Project Manager. The agenda must be constantly updated and effective consultation at a glance.

4. Assessment of priorities. Very often, especially in the company, the term "urgent" is used as a synonym for "important". In reality an asset is defined as important if it guarantees a certain return, a value added tax or if it is determined to achieve a business objective, time comes into play in terms of maturity within which an action must be completed. Clearly, if everything is labeled as an "urgent" and required to running "yesterday" there un'ansiogena and inadequate assessment of priorities.
one who can tell the difference between urgent activities with respect to important activities, can sensibly deal with a planning process.

In this regard, it is helpful to use a graphical representation of activity in terms of importance and urgency. We can give one vote to each activity (eg. -10 To +10) for the importance and the urgency for a similar vote. Then we take a Cartesian plane and put on the abscissa values \u200b\u200burgency and importance of the values \u200b\u200bon the ordinate. Then place each activity according to the ratings assigned.

At this point we can reflect on the position of our business plan on dividing it into four quadrants:

Dial * A: the most important and less urgent - are activities that do not need to be carried out in a short time and then you can plan against the objectives.
* Dial B: the most important and most urgent - This is the hub that according to the Pareto rule is 20% on which you have to invest their attention and on which we must focus on an immediate resolution.
C * Dial: less important tasks and less urgent - are activities that can be temporarily left out and that often tend to "die alone."
* Dial D: less important and more urgent - are types of activities that often occur unexpectedly, which need to be done but have no relevance in terms of long-term objectives. For these activities, the ideal would be to delegate to employees who can manage and report the result.